On the present day, many professionals wish to share their insights by specific audiences. One of the most effective ways to do that is by writing and submitting an article to a relevant platform. Firstly, why exactly should you author and submit an article? Indeed, several reasons indicate the importance of this activity. Initially, it helps you … Read More

The world of goudbeurs, which refers to 'gold exchange', is a significant component of the|in}} Dutch financial market. Primarily, the trade of precious metals, mainly gold, is conducted in this specialized exchange. It’s fair to claim that the popularity of Goudbeurs unmasks the people's interest in gold as a reliable investment. On this platfo… Read More

Stel dat u in december de goud hebt verkocht dan ontvangt u dan ook in januari een factuur van de opslagkosten over dit vierde kwartaal. Hierna worden daar nauwelijks opslagkosten verdere in rekening gebracht daar u dan ook in de kwartalen welke volgen geen positie meer hebt. Deze cookies geraken ook wel ‘functionele cookies’ genoemd en zorgen… Read More